Hacking AI in HR with Matt Burns

Cecilia Pang
3 min readMay 24, 2020
Matt Burn speaking at the 2018 Panorama Conference hosted in Vancouver.

“In a competitive environment, you have to leverage your dollars, people will need to learn new skills and be competitive”- Matt Burns

Matt Burns shares his HR experiences and artificial intelligence insights as we enter a new generation of technological change.

During his 20-year professional journey, Matt has supported organizations in North America, Europe, Asia and South America. He’s was the Head of HR for a global retailer and led a team that was recently recognized for the: Most Innovative Use of HR Technology’ in Canada. In less than 12 months, JYSK’s HR team sourced, acquired and implemented five disparate technologies, creating their own a custom HR enterprise solution. Their transformation automated existing administrative tasks, transitioned the HR department to near-paperless daily operations, and enhanced their service to the business.

Matt is passionate about innovation, technology, and the need for transformational change within the HR profession. Through thought leadership, he’s developed a global audience of over 30,000 in 3 months, regularly tackling challenges facing the HR profession today, while also sharing his vision for the future.

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Human Resources has an obligation to help people through the transition of the fourth industrial resolution: artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a small sector of the bigger piece of change. Technology is so vast and rapidly expanding, that AI is only a fragmentation of technology but its impact is already influencing all industries.

People are fearful of losing jobs. Especially in the HR industry, it can be scary to see the domination of screening and the potential of face recognition or other tools that AI can use to revolutionize processes. It’s easy to pronounce that change is good and that change is for the better, but when you don’t know what to expect, it can be scary especially because AI will influence us in ways that most of us can’t even comprehend or try to imagine.

But like it or not, it’s not going to go way. And as Matt addresses the inevitable domination of AI and change in general, it will be up to all of us to employ AI in an effective manner to better suit our organizational needs and to leverage what we have with AI to provide even more value in the market place.

How do you want to differentiate yourself in the marketplace? How do you remain competitively advantageous?

You’ll certainly need to continually revamp your processes and your perspectives on how to integrate change, that’s for sure.

You have to put efficiencies in place to leverage the time that you do have because you cannot produce time at a scale.

Using AI will make you more competitively advantageous; It allows you to get ahead of the curve in the era of the digital generation.

By leveraging technology to your advantage, you can be more time efficient with your use of technology and resources. You can reduce overhead cost and focus on your unique organizational gifts while getting rid of administrative inefficiencies.

And as direct as Matt can be, he says what needs to be said. Using AI does lower costs and margins. It allows organizations who are implementing change to be competitively advantageous. If organizations don’t keep up with the rising tides, then they’re unfortunately going to be swept under.

Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com.



Cecilia Pang

Writing and policy enthusiast — Wesbrook Scholar @UBC, Founder ajourney2success.com & Art2Heart Foundation. Dedicated to civic engagement and empowering youth.